
Nuoxin (cisplatin injection)
cisplatin injection
English name: Cisplatin Injection Chinese Pinyin: Shunbo Zhusheye The main component of this product is Cisplatin. Chemical Name: Cis-Dichlorodiammineplatinum

【Name】 Common name:Cisplatin InjectionBrand Name: NuoXinEnglish name: Cisplatin InjectionChinese Pinyin: Shunbo Zhusheye
【Ingredient】 The main component of this product is Cisplatin.Chemical Name: Cis-DichlorodiammineplatinumChemical Structure:

Molecular formula: Cl2H6N2Pt

Molecular weight: 300.05Excipients: sodium chloride, polyethylene glycol 400.
【Description】 This product is a yellowish green to pale yellow clear liquid with slightly viscidity.
【Indications】 Small cell and non-small cell lung cancer, testicular cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, prostate cancer, bladder cancer, melanoma, sarcoma, head and neck tumors, various squamous cell carcinomas and malignant lymphomas. 
【Strength】 6ml:30mg。
【Dosage and Administration】 Cisplatin can only be administered intravenously, intra-arterially or intraperitoneally. It is usually administered by intravenous drip. Adequate hydration treatment is necessary 2 to 16 hours before administration and at least 6 hours after administration.This product should be diluted with saline or 5% dextrose solution and then intravenously instilled. The dose depends on the effect of chemotherapy and individual response. The following dosages are for reference (for adults and children): 


 The course of treatment is based on clinical efficacy and is repeated once every 3 to 4 weeks.This product can be used either in combination therapy with other anticancer drugs, or be used alone.When used in combination therapy, the dosage should be adjusted as appropriate.

Note: Please refer to the product manual for details.

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