
Gainuo (vinorelbine tartrate injection)
vinorelbine tartrate injection
English name: Vinorelbine Tartrate Injection Chinese Pinyin: Jiushisuan Changchunruibin Zhusheye The main ingredient of this product is vinorelbine tartrate. Chemical name: 3',4'-dihydro--4'-deoxy-8'-norvinine ditartrate.

【Name】 Common Name: Vinorelbine Tartrate InjectionBrand Name: GAINUOEnglish name: Vinorelbine Tartrate InjectionChinese Pinyin: Jiushisuan Changchunruibin Zhusheye
【Ingredients】 The main ingredient of this product is vinorelbine tartrate.Chemical name: 3',4'-dihydro--4'-deoxy-8'-norvinine ditartrate.Chemical Structure:

Molecular formula: C45H54N4O8 .2C4H6O6

Molecular weight: 1079.12Excipients: water for injectio
【Description】 This product is a colorless to yellowish clear liquid.
【Indications】 This product is suitable for patients with non-small cell lung cancer and breast cancer.

1ml:10mg(Calculated on C45H54N4O8).

【Dosage and Administration】

For intravenous use only.
Single-Agent: The recommended dose is 25 to 30 mg/m2 weekly.
Multidrug therapy:Dosage and dosing time ar🍨e chosen according to the protocol used.

The dose is usually 25 to 30 mg/m2. The drug must be dissolved in physiological saline, intravenously administered in a short period of time (15 to 20 minutes), and then intravenously rinsed with saline.
1999: First-to-market generic drug in China 2002: National Key New Product 2012: Approval (lyophilized powder) from US FDA

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