
Fulaidi (repaglinide tablets)
repaglinide tablets
English Name: Repaglinide Tablets Chinese Pinyin: Ruigelienai Pia The main component of this product is Repaglinide. Chemical Name: S(+)2-ethoxy-4(2((3-methyl-1-(2-(1-piperidinyl) phenyl)-butyl) amino)-2-oxoethyl) benzoic acid

【Name】 Common Name: Repaglinide TablesBrand Name: Fu LaidiEnglish Name: Repaglinide TabletsChinese Pinyin: Ruigelienai Pia
【Ingredients】 The main component of this product is Repaglinide.Chemical Name: S(+)2-ethoxy-4(2((3-methyl-1-(2-(1-piperidinyl) phenyl)-butyl) amino)-2-oxoethyl) benzoic acidStructural Formula:

Molecular Formula:  C27H36N2O4

Molecular Weight: 452.59
【Description】 This product is a white or off-white tablet.
【Indication】 Use for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes patients (non-insulin dependent), who are unable to effectively control hyperglycemia by diet control, weight loss, and exercise. Repaglinide tablets can be combined with metformin. The combination of the repaglinide and metformin has a synergistic effect on the control of blood glucose, as compared to the respective use.
【Strength】 0.5mg。
【Dosage and Administration】 Repaglinide Tablets should be taken before the main meal (before meals). The insulinotropic secretion response occurs within 30 minutes of oral administration of Repaglinide Tablets.Repaglinide Tablets are usually taken within 15 minutes before meals. Instruct patients to take Repaglinide Tablets within 30 minutes before meals.Please take repaglinide tablets as directed by your doctor. The dose varies from person to person and depends on the individual's blood sugar. The recommended starting dose is 0.5 mg (1 tablet), which can be adjusted weekly or every two weeks if needed. For patients treated with other oral hypoglycemic medications can be directly switched to Repaglinide tablets, the recommended starting dose is 1 mg (2 tablets).The largest recommended single dose is 4mg (8 tablets), taken at mealtimes, with a maximum daily dose of 16 mg (32 tablets).For patients with debilitation and malnutrition, the dose should be carefully adjusted. If combined with metformin, the dose of Repaglinide tablets should be reduced. Although Repaglinide is mainly excreted by bile, patients with renal insufficiency should still use Repaglinide tablets with caution. 
2000: First-to-market generic drug in China 2004: Included in NRDL 2011: Designated as a National Key New Product by PRC Ministry of Science and Technology 2012: National Science and Technology Major Project 2014: Awarded the First Prize for Advancement of Science and Technology by the All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce 2018: First (repaglinide tablets) to pass consistency evaluation in China

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