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Big News! Hansoh Pharma MSCI ESG Rating Upgraded to AA, Taking Global Lead in Industry
Release Date:2023/11/17
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Recently, Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI), one of the world’s most reputable ESG rating institutions, released its latest annual environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ratings. The results revealed that Hansoh Pharma's MSCI ESG rating was upgraded to AA, achieving a leading position among global industry peers. As MSCI is one of the world’s most well-recognized ESG index and rating institutions, its ratings have become a popular reference for investments in international capital markets. In recent years, Hansoh Pharma has consistently improved its ESG performance, which has been reflected in a steady gain in its MSCI ESG rating compared with its initial rating back in 2020. The significant improvement which has lead to an AA rating fully demonstrates the high acclaim MSCI has for Hansoh Pharma’s ESG practices in the areas of improvements to governance structure, product quality and safety, patient health, green and sustainable development, supply chain management, business ethics, and the establishment of compliance systems. Hansoh Pharma has always insisted on a deep level of integration between ESG philosophy and corporate operations, continuously bringing ground-breaking and innovative new therapies to patients. Meanwhile, the company actively learns from internationally-advanced ESG experience and takes on social and environmental responsibilities, driving outstanding developments in the ESG achievements.

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