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Hansoh Pharma's Hengmu entered the list of "The 14th Healthy China Forum · Top 10 New Drugs"
Release Date:2022/08/05
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On August 3, the 14th Healthy China Forum released the list of "Top Ten New Drugs (in China)", and Hansoh Pharma's Hengmu (tenofovir amibufenamide tablets), as China's first original oral anti-HBV innovative drug, entered the list.

The selection process took more than seven months, and the selection criteria were based on annual innovation, clinical breakthroughs, drug benefits, and public attention.

Hengmu is China's first original oral anti-HBV innovative drug independently developed by Hansoh Pharma. In 2021, it was approved for marketing and included in the National Reimbursable Drug List, achieving a "breakthrough of zero" for domestic original drugs and breaking the monopoly by imported drugs in this field. Since its launch one year ago, Hengmu has benefited more than 100,000 patients with chronic hepatitis B, bringing a significant pharmacological improvement to the clinical cure of hepatitis B in China and contributing to the academic progress in the field of liver disease. In July 2022, the 96-week data from the large-scale Phase III clinical study of Hengmu was released, reaffirming its sustained efficacy and safety.

Eliminating hepatitis is a belief, a commitment and an expectation. According to statistics, China has about 70 million cases of hepatitis B virus carriers, including about 20-30 million cases of chronic hepatitis B, which is the highest in the world. Hepatitis B is still one of the most serious public health problems facing China.

In order to help the WHO win the war to eliminate HBV by 2030 and help China implement the Healthy China 2030 strategy, Hansoh Pharma is increasing its investment in clinical studies of Hengmu. The large-scale Phase III clinical study will be extended to ten years to help more patients with chronic hepatitis B improve their quality of life and return to normal life.
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